Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bugatti Veyron Pictures

Bugatti Veyron Pictures

If you are a sports car enthusiast then you must have heard about Bugatti Veyron. It’s more a monster than a car as it is backed up with huge power and a daunting maximum speed. The car was produced by Volkswagen in 2005 and still holds the title for fastest accelerating and decelerating car in the world. It is also one of the most expensive cars with the price tag of around 1.1 million Euros.

Bugatti Veyron can easily challenge Mclaren F1 for the fastest road car in the world. Bugatti reaches 100km\h in 2.5 sec with a top speed of 375km\h. Car is stunning in its looks. Its open grill at the front looks like a goldfish open mouth. Fuel consumption is horrible with 40.4liters\100km but who would worry when you are buying a 1.1million Euro car.

Coming to technical specification, car is heavily loaded with power as discussed earlier. It uses 8liter W16 engine which produces 1001 horsepower. Peak torque is 922lb at 2200 rpm. It comes with special seven speed dual clutch transmission to allow for huge energy to be transferred to road.

Since 2005 many variant of Veyron came into existence. These include Pur Sang, Fbg Par Hermes and Grand sport. At last I would conclude by saying”A beautiful monster in shape of a car”.

Bugatti Veyron Pictures


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