The Aston Martin Cygnet Concept - an 'Urban' Aston Martin based on the Toyota iQThe last Aston Martin concept we saw was the big Lagonda SUV Concept at Geneva in March. It wasn’t received with unmitigated delight, but Aston Martin said it was just that – a concept – to get views and opinion on the future direction of the Lagonda marque. But now we have a concept from Aston Martin which is about as far removed from the Lagonda SUV Concept as you could get – the Aston Martin Cygnet.
I have to confess, we didn’t see this coming – an Aston Martin based on the pocket-sized Toyota iQ. This must, by a very long way, be the smallest Aston Martin ever conceived. But it seems to have been conceived to be the ‘Urban’ alternative to a big DB9 or DBS. A cost-effective and economical run-around that offers all of Aston Martin’s design and luxury, but in an economical and urban-friendly package.
Aston Martin Chief Executive, Dr Ulrich Bez said:
Now is the right time for Aston Martin to take this first bold step to embark on this special project – made possible with the support of an organisation of Toyota’s stature and capability and the intelligent design and perfect city car package of the iQ.
Much work is still required, but I am confident that this project could become reality in the not too distant future. This concept – akin to an exclusive tender to a luxury yacht – will allow us to apply Aston Martin design language, craftsmanship and brand values to a completely new segment of the market.
Now whether Aston Martin intends this to be a stand-alone model, or whether they are thinking of appeasing the Environ-Mentalists by giving one away with every DB9 or DBS bought is unclear.
But it certainly is a new twist on the ‘Spare Wheel’!
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